City Guide

Cadiz is a dichotomy marked by the Puertas de Tierra (the Main Gates). On one side is the modern Cadiz, with wide pavements, beaches, yacht and sport clubs. Cross over to the other side and you will see a different Cadiz: the Cadiz that is reminiscent of its 3,000-year history.students

The Old Town Center, is replete with character, history and Andalusian flavor. In it there are three barrios (or quarters) that are also worth mentioning. Barrio La Viña is an old fishing district and the starting point of the famous Cadiz Carnival. It is also where you can find another Gaditano art and tradition: satirical verses. Barrio El Populo is said to be the oldest area of the city. Barrio Santa Maria, meanwhile, is the home of flamenco in Cadiz.

Get to know the following areas of Cadiz City…